nota de repúdio aos meio de imprensa que criam manchetes gigantescas, maiores que o próprio texto eolha, eu ainda gosto mais do que criar um click bait, hein.Jun 26, 2020Jun 26, 2020
Seis roteiros de filmes merdas que vão ser feitos depois da pandemiaafinal, todo mundo adora um filme merdaMar 29, 2020Mar 29, 2020
Oscar 2020My predictions and opinions for this year’s Oscar. (Yeah, I know you don’t care)…Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
Walk Hard: a movie that lacks timingHow this movie keeps spoiling every single musical biography since thenDec 27, 2019Dec 27, 2019
How to fix AladdinSmall changes that would improve the remake of the classic.May 30, 2019May 30, 2019
‘It’s all good man’ and how to create a prequelwith spoilers of the five seasons of Better Call SaulOct 11, 2018Oct 11, 2018